Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rove's Got the Answer

Tax cuts. Geez, he's done it again - tax cuts, who would've ever thought of tax cuts? I mean wow, how does he come up with this stuff outta thin air? Like, it never would've occurred to me that the way to economic recovery would be to pile on with something that is partly responsible for us being in the shitter in the first place. But I guess that's why Karl Rove's a goddam genius, and I'm just a fucking idiot. Thank god for Turd Blossom!

1 comment:

Kleingärtner said...

great how in the first graph, Rove says ya gotta hold Obama to what he said. Then in the second graph, he quotes someone else (Larry Summers). Way to make an argument, fuckface! Just ram everything thru & screw the GOP.