Monday, July 13, 2009

Sniffin' Palin

In what I assume is a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" policy, Andrew Sullivan has been championing Levi as the "sane" one from that group; choosing to believe everything the kid says, somehow painting him as noble. Which is nonsense; that's like claiming that "Cryin" is the least-shitty Aerosmith ballad ever. I mean, come the fuck on.

The point I'm making here is that Levi can become president one day, or get caught fucking a king cobra, and his legacy will be the same: the greatest MySpace profile ever. Skate on, Levi!!!

"I'm a f*kin' redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some sht and just f*kin' chillin' I guess. Ya fck with me I'll kick ass."
Status: "In a relationship."
Children: "I don't want kids."

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