Thursday, July 16, 2009

Xmastime at the Apollo

Whenever GodIHateYourXmastime and I have some task to do, like moving an old refrigerator through a small hallway and out the door or some such, I always stand there for 5 minutes, swearing it can't be done.

"No way this is fittin through there."
"Sure it will."
"Are you crazy? And the stairs? It's not happening."
"Sure it will."
"No fucking way."

And, of course, threee minutes later the job is successfully completed.

My point is that 40 years ago today Apollo 11 was launched, and I'm pretty certain that if I had been in charge it never woulda happened.

"What? This tiny tin can, all the way to the moon?"
"That's right."
"Oh, stop, there's no way we can do that."
"We got 100 physicists and 100 engineers who have figured it all out."
"Whhhaaaaaaat? Camon. There's no way that thing can get to the moon and back."
"Sure it will."
"Hey, who else loves pussy?"

I've read plenty of books and seen plenty of documentaries, but I never stop being completely baffled and in awe that these men, surely the smartest people in the world, did this. There is nothing about any part of this achievement that isn't incredible; surely the closest we've come to reaching out and touching the face of God. And it was 40 years ago today. Amazing.

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