Monday, July 27, 2009

You're Probably Stupid

I agree with TNC:
Heh. The GOP is now haunted by birthers. I think this is what happens when you only fulfill half of your duty as a leader. Surely part of it is to represent your folks. But another part of it is to protect them from the mob mentality. But when you actively cultivate Schiavo, "intelligent" design, Confederate Flags, and homophobia, I'm not sure what you expect.

Moreso, of course the GOP is gambling that there are enough voters out there that are stupid enough to let themselves get wrapped up in stupid things enough as to affect elections. Congressmen have to act stupid and say stupid things to get on the good side of stupid people, especially in the heart of the "He's Dumb Like Me, I Could Have a Beer with Him So He Gets My Vote" Golden Age we have found orselves in. Maybe it works for a while, maybe it doesn't, but in the end it's gong to take one of these stupid people getting his head out of his ass and realizing that his own life is getting shittier and shittier, while the politicians that have led him around by the nose via these stupid things is getting richer and richer, to change course. That person has to explain it to another stupid person (who would only accept such thinking from another stupid person and not left-wing elitists or that evil left-wing media), who passes it onto another stupid person and on and on, until the sun shines through and stupidity no longer is a virtue for leadership.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's Obama doing to redeem himself after his Bidenesque slur against law enforcement - he is having a beer with the guy! Doubt it gets him the vote in 2012, but that is the way people think.