Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another Theodore Would Like to Comment on the Passing of Ted Kennedy

NAME: Theodore ("If you call me 'Theo' I will do some major dancing on your face!")
OCCUPATION: Ultra-conservative right-wing stuffed bear
LIKES: Tucker Carlson, George W. Bush, tax cuts, explaining to left-wing faggot dimwits why gays shouldn't marry
DISLIKES: left-wing faggot dimwits, taxes, Al Franken, basketball
QUOTE: "For the last time - I'm not racist. I'm just pro-white, goddammit."

Hey, while I feel bad for Teddy Kennedy dying, let's be real honest: he was just about as much of a commie-pinko faggot-loving tree-hugger as his brothers were. But, I will say this... could drink a brother under the table. Goddam. I will see you in hell, you fucking boozehound!!! Set 'em up, mine barkeep!!!

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