Monday, August 31, 2009

Dick Jive-Talking

The Fourth Bee Gee nails it HERE:
I’m not entirely sure that Dick Cheney’s predictions on foreign policy have borne a whole lot of fruit over the last eight years in a way that have been either positive or, to the best of my recollection, very correct.
by saying what I said HERE a few months ago: who the fuck is listening?
Dick Cheney has miraculously gotten pretty much EVERY SINGLE THING WRONG during his time as vice president - a position he attained by being the guy Bush asked to find his vice president. Hmm. His worldview and foreign policy and decisions on a war he helped create out of thin air can only be described as defiantly incompetent.

So instead of rolling my eyes and thinking "what a crock of shit," maybe I should be wondering "why the fuck are these two men even on tv anymore?" I mean, for all the bloviating by people like myself over the years about how "evil" these guys are, now that they're gone it's a bit easier to realize just how flat-out incompetent they were. So why should we keep having them coming back on tv with their "expert advice" - Rove re: how the Republican Party should conduct itself, and Cheney on how to keep the country safe. As in two things these dudes were completely terrible at.

If I'm an airline pilot and commit a crucial error that results in my plane crashing yet I survive, I can understand tv shows wanting to have me on as a current events story. But I doubt I'll be asked to come back repeatedly to give advice on what airlines should be doing about airplane safety.

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