Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Enough Nonsense Already

The UG links to an article on outraged healthcare-hatin mobs HERE, wherein dude rightfully questions what these mobs are really so mad about.

This whole thing is getting tiring.

Healthcare has been a concern for decades. Now that somebody wants to actually do something about it, we're supposed to believe that thousands of people are so furious about the policy itself that they are "taking to the streets?" Really?

Please. These people don't understand healthcare any more than they understand national defense. But nobody's taking to the streets about the military, are they? We're months in this latest debate and not one coherent plan or idea has come from these people, so excuse me if I doubt these town-hall groups have broken down the 1000 pages of the bill and are genuinely alarmed by it's contents instead of, say, Glenn Beck has told them that Obama's plan gives birds the right to rape puppies and infants.

We've had a coupla fake wars and an economic collapse; throw in a black president being elected at a time when politics as a zero-sum sport is at it's peak, and you get anger. People wanna yell about something. I have a pretty good guess at what will actually happen:

1) Eventually healthcare gets passed this year.
2) People will find something else to 'storm the streets" about.
3) The next election cycle will feature mud-slinging re: healthcare.
4) By 2016 a universal healthcare plan with a public option will be taken for granted, same as the hundreds of other government programs we partake in everyday life.

Rinse, lather, repeat. This "public outrage!!!!!" over a plan that an overwhelming majority of Americans favor will disappear the moment the plan is passed and both politicians and the media need fresh red meat to throw at the masses. Maybe next time it's gays in the military again, maybe it's the dolphins, who knows or cares. Mumblety-peg controversies, maybe.

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