Friday, August 14, 2009


The weak, baffled, "you're fucking lucky to have this gig so shut the fuck up!!!!" interns over at the UG have reminded me re: my flyer policy:
I've found I don't even try to hide my preferential treatment when it comes to pretty women. For instance, if there's some dude on the sidewalk passing out fliers I don't even look at him as I walk by, scoffing at the thought of his stupid fliers. Unless he's passing out some serious Benjamins, I don't even notice.

Meanwhile, yesterday a hot woman was passing out fliers for something. I not only took one, I also made sure she noticed my "genuinely interested in this flier" look (ie slightly furrowing my eyebrows.) I can't remember what the flier was even for, but since it was a hot chick I know that there was that .000001 part of my brain that honestly hoped to look at the flier and see "Thanks for taking this flier, that makes me waaaaaaay into you - meet me at the corner of Bedford & N5th, I'll blow you." Or she'll be so intrigued by "guy that took my flier and had a look of genuine interest while looking at it" that she'll simply follow me home and spend three days fucking the shit out of me. So. Such is life.

How fascinating I am to myself. Interesting.

Mamalizza packing up her shit and leaving seems extreme, but I'm not a marriage counselor, so what the fuck do I know.

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