Monday, August 10, 2009

Glen Campbell

I don't know what it is, but there's something about listening to Glen Campbell that pushes some sort of oddly happy/sad nostalgic button for me - even the not-so-great songs have a sound to them that takes me to some place I once knew, but I have no idea what that place is anymore. John Denver does the same thing, but I know the place: Skyline Drive, late 70s. I'm listening to Glen Campbell right now and squinting my eyes for the light and searching my memory for whatever those moments are, but coming up empty. Fogs of sunlight and years I'm fighting through here. It's on the tip of my brain, but I keep missing it; I feel like I'm scratching for an itch but I don't know where. Aw well. Here's some Glen Campbell.

Less of Me - Glen Campbell

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