Tuesday, August 25, 2009

GOP Irony

If I landed here in a rocket ship from outer space and was approached by these people that are all of a sudden so deathly concerned with the national debt and deficit and are shouting from the rooftops about paying for healthcare reform, the first thing I might say is "Okay, first things first - we're not in any unproductive, probably-unnecessary wars that we're spending a shitload of money on, are we?"

But hey, what the fuck do I know.


The Gnat said...

See the Constitution. The federal government has the responsibility for providing defense. It does not have the responsibility or even the authority to offer health care or even insurance or any of hte other ten things Obama wants to run for us poor dependent lemmings.

Xmastime said...

this Commie might disagree with that premise:


"Foxx is right that the Constitution never explicitly says the words “health care.” But as Ian Millhiser has pointed out, Article I does give Congress the power to “lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises” and to “provide for….the general welfare of the United States.” “Rather than itemizing specific subject matters, such as health care, which Congress is allowed to spend money on,” notes Millhiser, “the framers chose instead to give Congress a broad mandate to spend money in ways that promote the ‘general welfare.’”

did you miss the day in Mrs. McGuire's class we went over the Constitution? ;)