Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"How Much Worse Can The System Get?"

I've been asking THIS for months now. Who are these people? Where are they? Where are all these "I just had the BEST experience with my insurance company!!!!" stories?
As an American who lives abroad in the country that is at the top of the health care rankings, this is almost laughable to read. Who are the people who actually believe that the US has the best health care system in the world? Sure you can get quality health care but the system is a disaster yet some complete buffoons somehow believe that it can get worse. Worse? Compared to what or where? Good grief people. It's already the worst system in the industrialized world and is nestled in between Costa Rica and Slovenia.

Somehow I doubt the "USA #1" in everything crowd could even place either country on a map let alone explain how the system could become "even worse." Let them wear flag t-shirts and lapel pins and see how well that helps when they have a medical emergency.

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