Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Hate Myself (but at Least I'm Cool)

The thrill of the train coming right as I was walking onto the platform was quickly negated by the air conditioning not being on in the car. Ohmygoooooooooood I moaned, already in a lather of sweat, there’s no way I can fucking handle this for half an hour. I pondered getting out at the next stop and waiting for the next train, but knew that with my luck the train would take 4 days to show up. So at the next stop I got off and moved to a different car, hoping it was just a one-car deal. It was: I was met with a glorious arctic blast. Ahhhhhhh, I sat down, much better.

But then I was haunted by the people I left behind in the other car...surely they were as miserable as I had been, shouldn’t I do the right thing and go back and let them know the a/c was on in the other car? I pondered/wrestled for a while. Of course I chickened out and didn’t do it, assuming there's no way I could pull such a thing off, I am no leader to strangers. I’m such an ass.

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