Saturday, August 22, 2009

If you Buy Ridge's Book You're Probably an Asshole

I mentioned Tom Ridge's outing of the terror "alerts" being used by Bush for political reasons HERE; I spent the post cleverly snarking about what a "shocker" the revelation was, so much so that it didn't even really sink in that this info is coming out becase TA-DA...Ridge has a book coming out. How magnanimous. He is the latest in the line of Bushies who weren't terribly concerned at the time what douchebags they were being, but are now looking to cash in with how "indignant" they "actually" were. As I mentioned last year when Scott McClellan became the Edgar Allan Poe of the genre:
In the next decades as the ones who pulled the trigger(s) reflect with guilt at what they've done (or, more likely, wanna make a ton of more money while clearing their names), we Americans will be sprinting to Barnes & Noble to throw more money at these people and allow ourselves to do that which is the most American thing to do: forgive somebody simply because they're famous enough to be able to write about their sins. Of course my instinct is that the founding fathers of this war should not be allowed to profit off their wrongdoings (haven't they already made enough from them?) But instead of course we'll have mothers of dead soldiers buying the paperbacks at airports and weeping "oh wow, poor Dick Cheney, he's so sorry! he's an amazing American!!" etc etc. Talk show circuit, some crocodile tears on Larry King and we'll all be barking and clapping like seals as we revise history in our own minds. This practice from this Administration will become the Celebrity Rehab of it's day. You can fucking book it.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand so it continues.

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