Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jim DeMint is Awesome

My father was US Marine who spent 14 years as a VA State Trooper and then another 10 years as a special agent in the state FBI.

I grew up in a tiny, tiny town, in a Red State. You know, what they'd call "America" today. Pick any photo of any politician enjoying "the real America", and that's the town I grew up in.

And yet I never, nor my father, not once, not even while in a red state, and then a "swing" state, not once did we see a politician come to town. Not a Congressman. Not a state comptroller, not a Lieutenant Governor, not a Governor, and CERTAINLY not a Senator.

And yet...I'm sorry, but we're supposed to believe that Jim DeMint, a United States Senator, has had random people from Germany and Iran and other countries running up to him and expressing their fear of Obama?
Probably the most heart-wrenching experiences I’ve had over the last several days is when naturalized American citizens who have immigrated here from Germany, Iran and other countries, they come up to me and they say why are we doing what so many have fled from?

REALLY? That...happens in the real world? On...planet Earth? REEally?

I'll tell you what: if you're from Iran, and you go to South Carolina, and you somehow can go up to Senator DeMint and actually speak to him, and not get thrown to the ground/tasered, then I will give you $100,000. But then, what's $100,000 when you're already in Dreamworld?

Gee. If I didn't know any better, I'd think the Senator was making shit up.

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