Friday, August 14, 2009

Let the Analyzing Begin

Its a kill fee so you can bill to this issue

I’ll be honest - I’m at a total loss. On one hand, she left has no punctuation at the end. No period. Is that a signal, some sort of “...let us continue...”? Like party invites that list the time as 6pm - ? maybe? Is she saying "let's continue this sexy dance, this rhythm of love we're making..."?

However, no “inside” joke or anything or breezy TGIF! comment...oh yeah, and she did find a way to use the word “kill,” which may be read as “please stay away from me or I will kill you.” Not encouraging. Not a dealbreaker, but not exactly "I want you to meet my grandparents" either.

I guess I’m getting mixed signals here? Jeez. Now I’m more confused than ever :(

1 comment:

Gina said...


she worked BOTH of em in.

i'd keep my distance.

pick your fights elsewhere, chumly.
