Monday, August 31, 2009

Meritocracy Is a Wonderful Thing

So Meghan McCain prides herself on being a woman with a "take no shit attitude." Certainly one of the great "Cinderella" stories of our time, right? For a young lady to triumph over being born the daughter of a billionaire heiress and a Washington insider Senator who ran for President and somehow, against all odds, deciding not to take any shit from anybody is certainly something to be admired, no? Good for her. A role model for young women everywhere who are ballsy enough to be born as such. You go girl!

This reminds me of THIS post I've re-done a few times here:

1) Big Ben’s big accident yesterday reminded me that a few weeks ago Dubya met with the Steelers at the White House to congratulate them on the Super Bowl victory. Dumbass couldn’t even make it through this little playful ceremony without saying something completely inane:

About halfway through the season, some people were counting the Steelers out, Bush said.
"They said you didn't have a chance," Bush deadpanned. "I kind of know the feeling."

Cause yeah, if you’re born into an amazingly rich and powerful family, get into Yale even though you MIGHT be retarded, get handed a Major League Baseball team, have the keys to the White House while your dad is vice-president/president for 12 years, and then get handed the presidency even though you might not have actually won, I guess it’s natural to feel like the deck’s stacked against you. Poor guy.

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