Friday, August 28, 2009


I've written many times about the pointlessness (is that a word?) of using morality to convince people torture is wrong; morality is something that can't really be measured or debated in a serious manner. And I find it pointless in the healthcare debate also - while I think we have a moral obligation to have healthcare for everybody, I view it a fool's errand to use it to convince someone to change their thinking on the subject. It'd be like THEM asking ME "WWJD?" As histrionically emotional as I can get sometimes, I do recognize how pointless it is.

So I would think the argument would be more fact-loaded re: how a public option would SAVE us money, create jobs etc; but, just as pointing out that torture not only doesn't work but is in fact COUNTER-productive, these are not the times where people can be swayed with such things as actual information once they've dug in. Probably myself included (though I hope not.)

But it IS curious that even a left-wing dreaming pinko faggot commie like myself has so quickly resigned himself to the thinking that advocating morality is useless in such debates. It's funny to have to try to convince somebody of something while knowing how willing they are to spring into action for things like flags and Jesus in lieu of facts, logic, or reason, and yet not moved by the morality a situation might confront. Fascinating.

1 comment:

Gina said...

True. Although our core beliefs/morals generally determine our words and actions, those seeking to debate a topic, especially charged issues, i.e. religion, politics, abortion, and of course, JESUS should come prepared with facts, logic and reason.