Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our Dog Could Be Your Life

One thing you should know about me is I spend a large part of my day trying to figure out how I can work a "black people are terrified of dogs!" riff into any post. So.

UPDATE: as soon as I posted this and looked at it, I laughed: "They ARE!! They really are!!!! That's what's so funny!!!!"

When I was a kid and worshipped my favorite bands - the ones that were never on the radio, that I had to ask the record store when the tapes could be ordered - there's no way you could've convinced me that one day there would be a book about them; back then if you found some snippet in some shitty rock rag about The Replacements or Husker Du or even REM (hard to believe now, I know), you'd fucking cherish it.

And thankfully I woulda been wrong, starting with 2001's Our Band Could Be Your Life (feature cover design by my buddy Dish!!) and 2007's All Over But the Shouting (my review HERE.)

A paperback copy of Our Band Could Be Your Life has been in my bathroom for about 3 years now, ever since I took it from my buddy Serge's apartment (if he has a fucking problem with that and has the balls to do something about it he knows where I live..... 101 Metropolitan Avenue...); while no fan of Steve Albini or his band from the 80s, I opened up to the Big Black chapter just now while pissing, and landed on a sentence which mentions a song called "Seth", which is apparently about a dog trained to attack black people.

What? Now here is a person out of fucking touch with reality...HEY ASSHOLE: all dogs ALREADY hate black people!! It's a fact! I've never known a dog that didn't hate black people, just like I've never know a black person who wasn't scared of dogs.

Fucking Steve Albini. Open your eyes, asshole.

ps - I don't wanna steal from GodIHateYourBand's thunder, but if there was a second edition written, which bands would be included?

1 comment:

here. said...

don't make me part of your stupid ideas!