Friday, August 14, 2009

Pitch Perfect

Bubba on DADT:
You know, the thing that changed me forever on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was when I learned that 130 gay service people were allowed to serve and risk their lives in the first Gulf War and all their commanders knew they were gay, but they let them go out there and risk their lives because they needed them. Then as soon as the first Gulf War was over, they kicked them out. That’s all I needed to know. That’s all anybody needs to know that this policy should be changed.

Side Note - You now, doesn’t the very name “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” reek of some sort of childish, secret shame? Just the moniker itself sounds like name-calling, don’t it? Why not just go all the way, call it “Nah-nah-nah boo boo, stick your dick in doo-doo”? fucking christ.

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