Wednesday, August 19, 2009


How many fucking times can one man watch Erin Brockovich? For fucks sake, it's just cleavage. I've fucking seen titties before, yet I'm drawn to to this goddam flick like a moth to titties. Grrr.


Gina said...
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Gina said...

There you go. A real life American woman down on her dollar, probably uninsured, scraping to make ends meet and give her kids a decent home...uses her brain and whatelse to make a difference for others and ultimately herself. This is the Amrerican dream, only without the college education. No get rich quick schemes. Just a goal and hard work. Out there fighting for the causes of the little guy...only now she's got money...and insurance. Point? Still pondering.

I wonder where she stands on this health care issue? hmm...

Kiko Jones said...

I was hoping the real Brockovich--who, as I am sure you know, appears as a waitress in her own biopic--would show her cleavage in the movie. You know, so we could compare...