Thursday, August 20, 2009


The other night a friend of mine spoke about her fear of being eaten by a shark, and she was quiet surprised when I said they weren't on my list of concerns, as in it's not like you'll turn a corner and FUCK! Shark!!!! Mostly it reminded me of the only time I've ever seen shark doo-doo in black and white:
The thing about sharks is that, just like snakes, they're especially scary because here's something that could kill you and it doesn't even have arms and legs. Normally you'd think "well, this guys got no limbs, this should be no problem" but next thing you know you're shark doo-doo. The difference being, of course, to get eaten by a shark you hafta make the effort to go to the shark - unlike a snake, you pretty much know that sharks are in the ocean and that's it. You're not gonna find a Great White curled up under your sink, waiting for you like a snake would.

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