Monday, August 10, 2009

Sigh. God Bless Sistatime.

Sistatime! just called me to present her thesis that finding a boyfriend is the same as buying a car - a seemingly endless series of checks & balances used to find the ideal mate/car. If he's not tall, he better be rich; if there's no leather interior there'd better be some kickin' a/c, etc etc. Wrapped up nicely with her wondering which one is harder to find, the boyfriend or the car.

Then she tells me that this is something she's been chewing on for a coupla days, and thinks that I should use her riff as the basis for a post myself (I assume she would assume I'd substitute girlfriend for boyfriend.)

Sigh. Only Sistatime! would blissfully suggest such a post; a post that would of course force me to ignore the fact that I haven't owned or driven a car since 1998 and haven't had a girlfriend since 1995. Awesome :)

post-script: Sistatime! is wondering if she should be brave enough to have her own blog blog re: her dating adventures "with complete idiots." I think there's plenty of Xmastime fans here who would love to read that blog. A G-rated version, of course.


The Girl Who said...

Looking forward to Sistatime! dating adventures. Do it, do it!

Anonymous said...

Sheesh, for someone seemingly boring in the dating realm, sure knows how to find the good stories.

No blog from sistatime anytime soon! Not that brave, or interesting enough.


Gina said...

a series of tradeoffs. brilliant.
Sistertime is on to something. Big. I hope she blogs.

Re: M-F relationships, i've been pondering something I like refer to as the 'tier' theory which, if applied properly could make all the difference. It is based on the premise that in the woman's mind, a propective life partner advances or descends emotional tiers in the relationship which culminate in a life long commitment/marriage. I go with 3-4 tiers to keep it simple. the ultimate goal is not so much an actual wedding, but complete intimacy/bond, reserved for the guy who can remain steadfast, productive and happy on the perceived 'The Top Tier'. If a guy is advanced prematurely to the 'top tier', he gets it in his mind that the work is over. At the top tier, the woman often expects all sorts of indications that a proposal is imminent. This puts pressure on the man who feels trapped at the top. This is a good time to remind him that he is not actually on the top tier as he had once thought...but that he has been taken down to the second tier...I think If the man is normal this comes as a great relief. He's in with the rest of the blokes. Other men will buck the system and refuse to come off the top tier...still others will assume there is some kind of game going on. I think it's best not to let on that there is a top tier. Go with 2 tiers, and don't get a third tier until he's already proposed or hold off until the little plastic guy is in place and you are cutting the cake. Just a theory.

Xmastime said...

i have no idea what this means, my brain exploded halfway through, but maybe my female fans will enjoy it. ie you and ST ;)

Anonymous said...

I think we're on to something. I can break down my dating debauchery in a few categories:

The marrieds. (I don't date nor endorse this breed). Unfortunately, I'm a magnet. (I'm not looking for someone like my ex, fellows).

The rodations. Apparently after a year of not being interested and casually dating, they fall in love. (Never the Mr. Wilsons).

The impossible Mr. Wilson and if he exists. Haven't figured out how to snag that one yet.

Then, all the freaks in between.

Sigh. Single in the 30s, in the white-picket fence community of Richmond.


Kiko Jones said...

How 'bout this guy? Is he Sistatime's counterpart?

Xmastime said...

well. id like to think shes not having sex with that many people.