Friday, August 28, 2009

The Truth Hurtz

Via Sully:
"People love honesty, but they hate the truth."

I like this line, in as much as it also applies to these people living under some pipe dream that someday, if they vote in the right people, taxes will virtually disappear. If you want to be part of a society, and a country, grow the fuck up and instead of dreaming simply about lower taxes, start demanding they be better used. Instead of being an idiot and waving the flag when they use your taxes to pay Blackwater to fight a war that is a waste of time and money, demand they be used to better your commute, or for some sort of community program so your kid doesn't learn how to give blowjobs for money after school. Whatever, anything. Look at your paycheck today - your taxes will never be lower than at this moment. Ever. Even if you vote in George W. Reagan Limbaugh IV, they're still taking your money. And yet we have made it so that politicians hafta speak to us as if we're children, gently cooing in our ears that of course they're gonna lower taxes, even though they know they aren't. And WE know it too, but we demand to be coddled like babies, and in return screw ourselves over. Ergo, the quote from above. While in theory giving less of it sounds good, in reality making that the be-all end-all of your idea of politics and government makes you a politician's best friend: the fool that asks or expects nothing in exchange for the money's he's given away, all while bemoaning how incompetent Washington is. It's the equivalent of your parents telling you they're "disappointed in you" instead of giving you an ass-whoopin, allowing you to slink away unscathed "really? that's it? awesome!"

ps - of course that could change tomorrow if I win the lottery. as Sir Charles once said, "My family got all over me because they said Bush is only for the rich people. Then I reminded them, 'Hey, I'm rich'." ;)

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