Monday, August 31, 2009


Over HERE I was saying "fuck it" re: going for a walk tonight. And then just now, out of the corner of my eye, I think I thought I might have seen...Grandma arm fat. Wtf? Am I fucking kidding?

There's finding a grey hair, there's not being able to get it up, there's getting caught jerking off to that funny picture of a squirrel water-skiing, that shit happens to every guy eventually. But this? Granny fat? Really?

Putting on my sneakers. I'm getting a W today!!!!

1 comment:

Gina said...

bat arms, curtains, once you got em' they are a sonofamotha to get rid of. Especially if you were once very heavy and lose a lot of weight. It's like a deflated balloon. The best thing I heard you can do about gramma arms is to burn off as much fat from them, build muscle and then go get em cut off. Surgical intervention.