Saturday, August 29, 2009

Winner Winner Chicks and Dinner

Matt Yglesias links to an article yammering about feminism and how it's affected dating rules when it comes to paying for dinner. I don't really know or care what they're on about, I see things like "class relations" and "striving for relative rank" etc and my eyes glaze over, but my time with the ladies has taught me that the paying for dinner thing goes like this:

- If she makes no mention of letting her pay for the meal, or her portion, you might be getting lucky later on if you don't turn into a complete fucking idiot.

- If she mildly and politely protests, putting on the 'ol "oh let me pay for mine/some" act but doesn't actually pay, you MIGHT get lucky, but it depends on how the rest of the evening goes. Your shark material had better be en fuego.

- If she DEMANDS that she pay for her dinner, and DOES, you have just wasted $100 and will be spending the night jerking off to your old girlfriend Heather Thomas.

Seems fairly simple to me.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Scenarios #2 and #3 are completely on point.

However, #1 leaves out the very distinct possibility that she is a leech who only wants a free meal and nothing else to result from this encounter.