Friday, August 14, 2009

Xmastime: Young Buck News Enigma

For some reason, when I was a kid I hated the nights when John Chancellor was on the NBC Evening News. I had no earthly reason for this, I surely did not actually watch or give a shit or understand the news at such a young age, but my dad watched it every night, and when Chancellor was on I'd roll my eyes "oh, fucking hell." Whenever a sub would be on, I dunno, Roger Mudd or Jane Pauley maybe, I'd perk up "oh, thank god John Chancellor isn't on tonight!!" I have no idea why. And HE AND I SHARE A GODDAM BIRTHDAY!!!

Conversely, I feel the same whenever Chris Matthew ISN'T on Hardball. I love Howard Dean, but couldn't stand the week he subbed. All this week Lawrence O'Donnell's been subbing for Matthews, and I won't watch. Again, for no real reason - AND HE WAS PRESIDENT BARTLET'S FATHER, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!! Ah well.

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