Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Aaron Sorkin: Racist?

One of these wounded soldiers wants to get back to the front to fight for America's freedom despite losing his legs; the other wants to lounge around in bed on the taxpayer's dime without going back to work. Gee. Which one do you suppose is white, and which one isn't? Hmmmmmm.....
Bartlet moves to the side to reveal that the solder has lost both legs below the knees.

WOUNDED PRIVATE: The new ones are state-of-the-art, Doc told me.
BARTLET: That's what I hear.
WOUNDED PRIVATE: They'll have me fitted, up and walking in no time.
BARTLET: Yes, son, you know the Army. They're not going to let you lay around on their dime.
WOUNDED PRIVATE: I want to go back, sir.

The private nods. Bartlet moves to another soldier who lifts his right hand up. Bartlet grasps it with both hands. With the cameras focused on C.J. and Toby, Bartlet moves OS to another soldier.

ANNABETH: And this is Lieutenant Martinez, Mr. President.
BARTLET: Lieutenant.
ANNABETH: Did I say your name right?
MARTINEZ: Yes, ma'am... (to Bartlet) but you don't have to remember it when you start talking redeployment, sir.

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