Thursday, September 10, 2009

Amazing Perspective

A la Pitchfork, via GodIHateYourBeatles:
But they were still young men: George was 26 years old, Paul was 27, John was 28, and Ringo was 29. The Beatles' first album, Please Please Me, had come out almost exactly six and a half years earlier. So if Abbey Road had been released today, Please Please Me would date to March 2003. So think about that for a sec: Twelve studio albums and a couple of dozen singles, with a sound that went from earnest interpreters of Everly Brothers and Motown hits to mind-bending sonic explorers and with so many detours along the way-- all of it happened in that brief stretch of time. That's a weight to carry.
March 2003? That's fucking amazing. Think of any band you know that has done anything remotely like that since then. Doesn't exist. Unreal.

Much like I alluded to HERE.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

A good friend and fellow Beatlemaniac and I have often discussed--and been floored by--the fact that the Fabs made Sgt Pepper, Magical Mystery Tour, "The White Album", Abbey Road and Let it Be in a span of THREE YEARS, from 1967-70. (Same with the great Jimi Hendrix, whose entire body of work covers the same 3 year period.)

Plus, as a McCartney fan, I always have in the back of my head how Macca was just 28 years old when the Fabs broke up. You know, so I can be reminded of how useless I am.