Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And the Roll Looks Great (Very Important)

John Lennon once said that a working class hero is something to be; I'd say the same is true for having the world's best cheeseburger. THE WORLD!! Can you imagine being the world's best ANYTHING, much less something so ubiquitous as the cheeseburger? And 20 minutes from my house!!!!

via AHT

Shit looks g o o d.


andtheend. said...

the little owl is one of my Favorite restaurants. i've never had the burger, but i have had their meatball sliders. i would rip a two year olds tooth out to get at one of those sliders. and don't get me started on their pork chop.

Xmastime said...

oooooohhhh, get the burger next time, and send in a review!!! :)