Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bye Bye, Famous Peeps

Last month I wrote HERE:
I made a joke about it yesterday re: Jim Dickinson dying, but we need to get used to our celebrities dropping dead at a high rate from now on as thousands of the very people who came of age at the exact right time to be a part of the advent of TWO major celebrity industries, rock 'n roll AND television, having been born between 1930ish and 1940ish, are now of "dying age." We're at a perfect storm of both timing and sheer number of celebrities dying over the next decade or so; we should be surprised when a week goes by when someone really famous DOESN'T croak. Throw in our creating celebrities just to be celebrities, and we'll have moved from the days of silver screen star Carole Lombard dying to "I'll always remember where I was when I heard Tinkerbell died..."

Yesterday in the Washington Post:
...all through the summer of 2009 came a ceaseless and somber drumbeat, as idols of all walks of life passed away. From Walter Cronkite to Sen. Ted Kennedy, the nonstop loss of luminaries continued almost as if a seasonal occurrence - as much a part of summer as hot dogs and humidity.

Like I said, I think that us having reached "the dying age" of tons of celebrities along with the non-stop 24/7/countless outlets means we should get pretty used to a lot of celebs dying pretty much throughout the year.

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