Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chuck Grassley Seems Pretty Stupid. Why Again is He in Congress?

“What are we afraid of,” Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) asked, “that Americans would like a plan that pays for itself and provides a good service?”
There's nothing that Chuck Grassley says HERE that makes any sense to anyone whose head is attached to their body, or at least NOT stuck up their own ass. It's pretty amazing actually that a ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee would sputter out the exact same answer as would your typical tea-bagger; I'm assuming he started screaming about being armed next time after the video ran out.

For one, I'd like to know what "choices" someone who is uninsured would be giving up if they find themselves using a public plan. Well, let's see. If I fell and broke my leg right now, I'd have two choices: lie their and wait for rats to gnaw me to death, or go to the emergency room which gives me a bill I cannot pay, but will get passed along to you. Yeah. I'd be furious at the thought of giving up such great "choices."

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