Monday, September 28, 2009

Come Sail Away

Has it really been 10 years ago since Freaks and Geeks? Wow. After each episode I'd run to the the land-line and call Op and we'd go over the show, laughing our heads off. So of course it got yanked after 18 episodes.

And while it was a Judd Apatow production, I stand proud that me favorite character was always the little Jewish kid ("the showbiz-obsessed dentist’s son Neal Schweiber, whose interests include Star Trek, slapstick comedy and ventriloquism"), whom as far as I know hasn't sold his soul to Apatow like some of the other cast members have.

Freaks and Geeks is The Pixies of television, isn't it? When it was on, so few people watched it that it got canceled. Ten years later, I don't know anybody who doesn't claim to love the show.


andtheend. said...

i own the whole season on dvd. and kim kelly is my fav. bill haverchuck is a close second.

Kiko Jones said...

"Ten years later, I don't know anybody who doesn't claim to love the show."

Now you do. Although I must clarify, I've never seen the show. But ever since Apatow and his unfunny movies became all the rage, everybody is a now fan of F&G.