Friday, September 04, 2009

Curt! PLEASE Run!!!! I Need the Material!!!

So Curt Shilling goes on a popular Boston radio show, then posts the video and transcript on his own website, wherein he answers what he would most dread about running for Senate:
The whole spotlight/media crap


I also like how he explains that he's an attractive candidate cause he wouldn't be doing it for the money:
I spent 20 years in an industry where I got what you’d call famous and celebrity and all the stuff that goes with that, and the financials that come with that, so none of those would be incentives for me to run, which I think cuts away at a lot of the reason behind why a lot of other people do it.
Yes. Most politicians run for office because they need the money. And therein can be swayed while in office because of money. I remember Schilling's hero George W. Bush in particular, who was so easily bought while in office because he had arrived there with no money to his own name, scratching and clawing to get them benjamins on the first and fifteenth of each month. Awesome.

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