Monday, September 28, 2009

The Easternets are Mean

The UG pointed out THIS JOINT, a la a tiff between Ezra Klein and Michael Gerson on the subject of online civility, Gerson making the claim that there is a lack of civility and a ton of bigotry online.

What does that even mean? The internet is vast and seemingly endless; to claim something about the tone of it in general terms is kinda pointless. If you say "there is no civility online!" am I really gonna research every blog in the world to see? No. To say "there is no civility online!" to me is the same as saying "there's way too much panda-on-giraffe porn online!" Really? Who knows? Gerson is an idiot, but to think he's getting paid to throw out such un-confirmable, mean-nothing statements is maddening. This is how the Becks and Limbaughs of the world have become so successful, by just throwing out such a blizzard of shit that you hafta either go all-in right away without thinking or turn the radio off, with nothing in-between.

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