Friday, September 11, 2009

Eight Years Later

I'm not surprised that we were attacked. I am, however, surprised it was pulled off by something as technologically advanced and horrifying as boxcutters. Thanks to, as I wrote HERE, white people:
Meanwhile, let's not forget that these fake wars we're in right now were basically started because a bunch of white people on planes sat quietly in their seats while a coupla lunatics ran around waving GAAAAASSSPPP!!!!...boxcutters. I'm sorry, but there's no way black dudes would've sat there thinking "well, he has a boxcutter, obviously we should sit here quietly and let this play out, I'm sure these fine gentlemen mean us no harm." They'd say "what the...BOXCUTTERS? That's it? Oh HELL no!" Well. I guess if Chris Tucker was on the plane, anyways. But you get the idea. And yet the first non-white president we have in office is also the one they are worried will be "weak" and "scared." Hmm.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

This is one of the key points of conspiracy theorists: 19 dudes w/box cutters? I'm not necessarily agreeing w/these doubters, but...