Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fatty Only Likes It When GOP Pussies Apologize to Him

Rush Limbaugh wishes Joe Wilson hadn't apologized:
"Joe Wilson simply articulated what millions of Americans were saying," Limbaugh said on his radio show today.
One interesting thing is that the guy who was chosen to give a thought-out, scripted, respectful (albeit completely misleading of course) response to Obama's speech will likely never be heard of again, while the odds of Joe Wilson rising to some kind of Palin-esque "hero of the folks" celebrity and all of a sudden popping up on tv and in the Wall Street Journal might be pretty high. Interesting.

2:31PM UPDATE: ah, yes. Already happening. "America's Congressman." via Sully


Marley said...

"I love the dude, and he still won me over."

First, this makes no sense. It might make sense if you wrote, "I love the dude, so it didn't take much to win me over." Second, the last politician you fell in love with was John Edwards. Did he ever return your bath oils?

"By far the best big tv speech we've seen since he took office."

Does he give "non tv" speeches? Are some only covered by radio?

"I dunno. I just can't believe anyone I know, have ever known or will ever meet could possibly hear all this and not think "hey, that sounds good."

This is your Achilles heel. It's not that you can't agree with an opposing viewpoint. No, this love, this one lasting love, is all too strong . . . you can't even envision a single person you know not being as enraptured as you.

"Invoking McCain = brilliant."

And the tie! OMG!!!!!! To die for!

Xmastime said...

i CAN envision a person not liking the plan. they're called "the insurance companies."

this is what it takes to lure you back?? i was gonna send money!! ;)

Marley said...

I've never left. I'm just watching you forge your chains, link by link.

Xmastime said...

"bath oils" is comedy gold too :)