Thursday, September 10, 2009

Healthcare Nonsense

The UG says "fuck public opinion!!," which is interesting since if Congress actually took "public opinion" seriously, this bill would've been passed months ago, as per every single poll I've seen. I've noticed that when politicians want something, they go ahead and do it "for the good of the people." When a Congressman himself is in favor of a bill, he doesn't seem to spend a lot of time going to Town Hall meetings or "on the streets meeting with my constituents." And yet when they DON'T want something, they seem to spend a lot of time "listening to my constituents," and furrowing their brows worrying if it's what "my constituents want," worried that if a single person disagrees with him, it is one too many, and "public opinion" must dictate that he vote "no." And so, even in the face of such un-scientific, non-quantifying things as "counting numbers," they vote how they want to anyway.

This reminds me of Mike Francessa, who spends 6 hours a day pontificating on and on about sports teams as if he was God himself, or, more impressively, inside the Yankee clubhouse; prattling on and on as an expert, shoveling his thoughts and ideas and pure conjecture down our throats, no matter how little actual info is available to him. Yet when called to the mat on something, he'll flounder for a minute before indignantly saying that he can't speak as of yet because "all the facts aren't in yet." He doesn't mind speaking with 100% assurance on something when 2% of the facts are in, but if 100% of the facts are in and they go against what he himself thinks, all of a sudden he needs more to go on, and is insulted someone would wish him to speak on such a subject.

1 comment:

ope said...

exactly. my pt is theres no need to go to the people. shit is all about congress which has already made up its minds based on 101 self-preserving factors that have little to do with national mood. yet just about every fucking pundit remarks on how obama must convince/explain to the American People, which in theory moves congress. that there only applies to old people; the only ones who call their representatives. the gotdamn busy boides.