Saturday, September 26, 2009

I Really Wanna Hit Me Some Malkin Ass

A la Sully:
"I killed the Kentucky Census worker — along with every man and woman in America who is guilty of having said or written anything critical of government. The criminalization of conservatism continues," - Michelle Malkin.  
Why so defensive? I bitched about Bush et al for years, but if someone shot him, I wouldn't say "I killed the President — along with every man and woman in America who is guilty of having said or written anything critical of government. The criminalization of liberalism continues." I'd say "boy, that guy must be a lunatic, hope they catch him." Is this going to be another brainless Republican lockstep moment, like circling the wagons re: torture?

Also: just saw the scene where LC met Audrina for the first time. And she and Heidi are BFF!!!!

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