Friday, September 04, 2009

The Incredible Power of Prayer

A coupla years ago I posted a bout a shocking find that prayer doesn't actually cure heart disease:
7) Prayer MIGHT not help heart patients. Really? THIS is fucking news these days?!?!?! Hmmm…gee, the thoughts in my head that I try to transmit to some pretend fairy in the sky that I don’t even know exists DOESN’T help cure the human heart? Wow!! What about “does prayer have an affect on winning the lottery?” Or “does prayer make the 11 girls out there I may have impregnated NOT be having my baby?” Well. Maybe 8. By “8” I mean “2”. Okay, zero. Please God, PLEEEEEEEEASE let me fucking get laid soon…

9) Nope. Prayer still not working. Great.

And now I find out about THIS POOR GIRL, whose parent prayed instead of calling 911 while their daughter lied on the kitchen floor dying in front of them. Incredible. What fucking idiots.

This guy was an idiot too:
Actually praying for rain. And this isn't some half-quack local Baptist minister testifying, this is the commander in chief of a state. Of which there are only 50. Highest power in the state and here he is, leading a prayer for rain. And I like that it's scheduled. It's not a spontaneous, passionate thing; it's on his to-do list for today. Is this to make sure God knows when to listen in? Today the governor of Georgia will close his eyes, lower his head, and speak to an unseen, unknown force about bringing some rain to Georgia. This is a man who has officially run out of ideas

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

I obviously cant offer any proof that prayer works, but all of those studies trying to debunk prayer are littered with flaws. #1 on the list being the lack of sincerity involved, because if prayer does work, I'd have to believe that sincerity meant an awful lot. Kinda like Mark Twain said, "You cant pray a lie".