Saturday, September 12, 2009

Joe Wilson

If a fan decides to run onto a baseball field naked, it will not be shown on tv, in an effort to not encourage others from doing so for their 4 inches of fame. Which is what I'm thinking about the more I see Joe Wilson all over the news now.

Does anybody REALLY think that Wilson was so worked up, SO emotional about any part of a 1000-page bill that has been talked about for months that he couldn't contain himself? I'm pretty sure Wilson didn't hesitate for a second re: voting on Bush's tax cuts, or absurd spending in Iraq etc. And yet we're supposed to believe that he was moved to shout out during the speech because it's been his life's work to not waste a penny of America's money? Really?

This is not Rep. John Lewis finding out during a speech that the Civil Rights Act was being repealed. This is not a guy hearing a president threaten to make his life's work meaningless. This is a guy who has decided to be on the side of "No to Everything Obama Brings Up," and is well aware that you don't get on tv and in the papers by quietly pushing sensible legislation - you get on tv by screaming at Town Hall meetings. To suggest anything more of Wilson, to say that he is some sort of "noble warrior for the people" and that he would've done the same should Bush have been speaking instead of Obama, is giving him too much credit, much like I wrote about Glenn Beck HERE.

And so now, with every tv appearance and check sent in for support, with every re-election, more and more Congressman will conclude "Well, it worked for Joe Wilson, I might as well do it too." In other words, a victory for the Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachmanns of the world.

Oh, and oh yeah - turns out his shouting contradicts his own vote in 2003. So.

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