Monday, September 07, 2009

Keith Olbermann is a Fucking Idiot

Glenn Beck is a recovering drunk and drug addict. Every day, he goes on the air and tells millions of people the most absurd fictional nonsense he can come up with, and they eat it up like candy. Does Olbermann really think he's going to make Beck squirm about some unpaid parking tickets? Stupid shit like this will not only double Beck's audience, giving him something new to shriek about for hours, but will surely backfire on Olbermann. I promise you Beck is clasping his hands with glee right now. Because you cannot shame the shameless.


Anonymous said...

don't knock a recovering drunk or drug addict with something to say... you may just be one someday.

Kiko Jones said...

Trust me, Olbermann's talking about something greater than parking tickets. Maybe along the lines of hateful, irresponsible, treasonous actions and statements...oh, wait.