Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Manny Tapes...Book?

Sometimes I wonder if it'd be worth the effort to cobble together all of The Manny Tapes entries from this blog and put them out as a book; maybe even with a cd (do people still use cds?) or all our Fireside clips together. And make some $$$.  But then I think who the fuck would pay for it when it's all sitting right here? (that's what she said?)

Well, apparently if you like to read about Meghan McCain's hair extensions or what it's like to be the great, great, great granddaughter of a politician and are worried she's not sitting on a big enough pile of money already, you may soon be able to pay for it. Interesting.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! Page after page of me telling you what a dumb shit you are? I'll buy that, you fat fuck!!!!"

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