Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Meat Loaf

4) MEAT LOAF - the perfect meal for a freezing cold night. Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy. Freezing cold jug of milk. Man.

Andtheend has announced that the making of the first meat loaf of the season signals the beginning of Fall, and I couldn't agree more. Mostly, all I've been able to think about is meat loaf - my life changed a coupla years ago when Rocco DiSpirito showed up on Sara Moulton's Food Network Show (back when they weren't all cleavagenic whores) and showed me that you didn't hafta make meat loaf in a loaf pan, therein giving more surface area ie the burnt, crusty bits everybody loves. A before photo of which would look like this: "after" shot has ever been found. Burp.

Then today on Thisiswhyyourefat I see THE MEAT BABY:

A meat loaf, it appears, that turns into blackface after cooking. How classy!!!

Dying for some meat loaf now though. Hmm. Maybe I'll break down, try kissing some dudes making one with ground turkey? No? Yes? Peut-etre?

1 comment:

andtheend. said...

that meat baby is so awesome and so disturbing at the same time. i'm equally tickled and appalled.
i put my loaf on a cookie sheet too. i used theparsleythief's recipe. it was genius.