Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mind: Blown

A coulpa years ago I posted THINGS THAT IF I SAW THEM AT YOUR HOUSE WHEN I WAS A KID, I WOULD ASSUME YOU WERE R I C H, which included soft butter:
Soft butter. I don’t think I even knew this existed until I got a girlfriend and had dinner at her house. A stick of butter could not enter my house unless it was frozen solid as if hurled from a comet. And good luck actually spreading this shit on a piece of bread; after 3 seconds the bread would be shredded, and 99% of the butter was still piled high on one spot. Great. I remember trying tricks such as putting the butter on top of the toaster while I toasted my bread or shoving it up Raoul the stockboy’s ass from Sunnyside Grocery down the road. Zero luck. Although on a side note I did learn how to milk another man. Thanks, hard butter!

And so this happy little thing over at The Parsley Thief is blowing my mind. Leave the butter out? And it stays fresh? And soft? WTF? And yet we can't figure out how to make a movie without Will Ferrell taking his shirt off? Really?

1 comment:

mamalizza said...

i know! i want that! just what i need though, easily accessible soft butter.