Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monica, You Hot Bitch

Monica Crowly just now on The McGlaughlin Group, in speaking of how awesome torture is, says that to get rid of torture is a mistake, and to prosecute those respobsible for having done it is wrong since "the same thing goes on in every American fraternity every day."

First of all, I was "tortured" while pledging a fraternity. Yet at no point did I think "oh my god I'm going to drown!" Yes, I thought "gee, cat food IS gross!" but I wouldn't really compare the two.

Secondly, I wonder what other parts of the "War on Terrorism" Crowley thinks should be based on the drunken antics of 19-21 year old boys? I don't know how far the "Well, they did it in Animal House" doctrine can really be trusted. I'm interested in hearing her other ideas on this. Maybe we can lure Al-Queda into attending a mixer and then put Ex-Lax in the orange soda? "Shittin' Accomplished!"

Fat, drunk and stupid isn't even a way to go through pledging a fraternity; to propose it's a good way to provide national security would be outrageously irresponsible if Monica Crowley were someone to be taken seriously and not simply a female Rush Limbaugh. If Rush was a smoking hot bitch I would drag my dick though brokwn glass to sniff his bicycle seat, that is.

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