Monday, September 21, 2009

Most People Think the Republican Party Sucks

a la SULLY.

It's also worth remembering that the huge amount of noise on the far right is actually quite narrowly based. Here's a fact from the Time profile of Beck:

In 1987 comedian David Brenner bombed in syndication with about 2.5 million viewers at midnight — which is roughly what Fox, the leading network for political talk shows, averages in prime time.

There is certainly a very angry far right base out there. But it would be foolish to over-estimate it.

It's not hard to figure out WHY such extremism SEEMS to be more prevalent, a la the squeaky wheel gets more tv time cause it's more entertaining. But, as I said HERE, it's not a large segment of the population who thinks this way. Which is what makes it more infuriating when Obama takes these people into consideration when making policy. But then again, he only SEEMS to be. Maybe.

More importantly, am I the only one who likes charts that look like you're getting the middle finger? I'm not the only one, right?


Marley said...

60 senators, a MA Senate about to ensure that number with a scummy political maneuver that puts to rest any sense of the GOP as the underhanded party, a massive House majority, a popular, groovy President, and Andrew Sullivan reporting that the GOP is as popular as tuberculosis.

I wonder what is preventing the liberal wonderfest that will nurture us all?

Besides racism, that is.

At some point, you have to stop moaning about how the morons and bigots and one-toothers in the world are thwarting all that is good and right.

When the morons have little institutional power, and you have most of it, then your inability to utilize that power suggests that the fault may lie elsewhere.

Maybe this president is just more adept at being a nifty talk show guest and a purveyor of "teachable moments" than articulating policies in an attractive and understandable manner and putting his balls behind them.


It's the damn racists and morons.

Xmastime said...

i believe im on the record throughout this blog as pulling my hair out at the Democrats' inability to do anything despite having the power to do so.


Marley said...

You peddle a philosophy of condesending excuse making, using Fat Man and Little Boy to destroy molehills that you have made into mountains. You're a modern day McClellan - you suggest confidence, but those birther and tea paryting Lees are always in your way. That you occasionally mention that the Democrats are feckless as insurance cannot ameliorate your constant sneering pussycraft.

It is not an "inability." It is a refusal, and given the leadership they have and the guidance they've received, it is not an altogether unreasonable refusal.

So shut up about the gnats outside your window. You pull your hair because you have lice.

Xmastime said...

whether you believe it's due to inability or refusal is decided by whether or not you agree with what progressive Democrats want to do (or what you WANT them to do), ie with healthcare I assume its their pussiness and ineptitude and GOP bogeymen stalling progress, whereas you'd believe that behind closed doors they think reform is a bad idea in the first place. Was McClellan the horny Golden Girl?

Marley said...

Exactly wrong. Start not with whether the policy is good, but whether it exists.

Guess what? There is no policy. Currently, there's just a concept, a belief, a hope.

Why? Where does the fault lie?

I think you know. But you focus on sniggering minutiae instead of "ranting" at the appropriate targets.

* Ah, the Republicans- Even a Dumb, Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day!

* SHOCKING NEWS: Someone in GOP Can Sense the Feeling Arising from the Consciousness of Something Dishonorable; There's a State Called "Rhode Island"

* Most People Think the Republican Party Sucks

* Who's Having Dinnier With Sarah Palin? Gee. A woman from Alabama. Who works for a private defense contractor. Gee. I'm sure this dinner won't be a mutual cheer-leading session, right? Hmm.

* Who the Fuck are These 8%?

* I've been ranting for some time now that as much as I'm for Obama, the fact is I feel like a box of raisins is a better choice than what we've had over the last eight years. White Laugh Riot. The funny thing about racism directed towards Obama is that technically, he's half white. Which means these people can't even get being racist right.

* Shock the Monkey
(Pics of Bush as monkey)

My God, man! Monkeys and Bush are as hip as a piano key tie.

Xmastime said...

you read every post!! im floating!!!!! :)

ill try to keep my comedy bits more fresh, up to date.

what am i, ricky gervais?

Marley said...

They all were horny, dummy.

Xmastime said...

christ. i thought id at least get a laff for that one.

Marley said...

I do sift the crap for the comedy nuggets. Perhaps you could make a separate blog for your material that makes Joy Behar holla'.

Marley said...

A riposte is higher compliment than a "LOL."

Jesus, you require a lot of love.

Xmastime said...

you think Im pretty????

Xmastime said...

and i love the ripostes. hey, i MADE Marley!!!!!!!

Marley said...


Xmastime said...

sigh. and then i lost it :(