Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Not Brilliant

Mike Huckabee, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Rep. Steve King, Rep. Tom Price, Rep. Tom McClintock and Rep. Trent Franks have all spoken at the How to Take Back America Conference - an event for which I don't think it labels me a pinko-faggot liberal communist to point is fueled by what can only be described as "extremists."

Do these people WHO ARE in FUCKING CONGRESS, PLUS A GOP PRESIDENTIAL HOPEFUL, not think this won't become their own "Rev. Wright" moment? Do they not think that come election time there will be footage shown of them not only associating themselves with these people, but in fact leading the charge, actually giving speeches to these people? Really? Amazing. The very people that were so desperate to derail Obama by condemning his relationship with Rev. Wright have decided to BECOME Rev. Wright. Awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you knew the difference between Right and Wr-ight, you would recant...but you can't, since you don't.