Saturday, September 19, 2009


When I first read THIS yesterday I had a riff about Beck merely getting the number he arrived at by multiplying the number he was given by 10, ie how to calculate how many dudes a girl has REALLY slept with after she tells you a number.

But then I saw this line at the end:
Guess what? This is a progressive in the White House. That’s what he’s doing. He’s going right around Congress. When are you going to wake up, Congress?
Are Democrats gonna let the word "progressive" go the way of "liberal;" ie running from it crying like little schoolgirls because the GOP decided to turn it's inferred meaning into "Satan's Oven Mitts"? At least with liberal you could technically apply a negative to it - there IS such a thing as being too liberal with mayo (will make you fat), a girl COULD be too liberal with her amorous wares (pregnancy/disease/reputation etc.) But "progressive"? How can "progressive" connotate negativity in any way? I guess if your idea of society going forward means going back in time, it works.

Of course, odds of the Republicans pulling this off, and by Christmas Democrats will be running as "anti-progressives"? Probably about 100%.

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