Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Pussification of America

The other day I was annoyed at how hesitant the Democrats were to rebuke Joe Wilson for his outburst, worried about any potential backlash. I would think that someone who had done something wrong was more deserving of public ire than someone who had pointed out that someone had done something wrong, but then, we are now living in the society of the victim: the single greatest thing one can be is a victim. I liken it to the difference of my own youth to today's youth vis-a-vis getting whupped: back in my day if someone walked by and saw me getting spanked by one of my parents, they'd shake their heads "Fucking kid musta done some shit." Now, they'd see the same thing and call social services on the parent. Different world all around, I guess. I called this "the pussification of America" in a post last year, but can't find it, but that's what it is. Good? Bad? Bad I would think, but who knows.

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