Saturday, September 05, 2009


I dunno if it's cause of Mad Men, or the 40th Anniversary of the Moon Landing, but I've been in a real "retro" mood lately, wishing I was in a room surrounded by wood paneling and shag carpeting waiting for the next record from Buddah Records to drop. So I found ...TA-DA! Computers 'n Miniskirts!! Computers the size of a house with hot chicks showing some skin.

Also, I like this particular, the line here rings pretty true:
I think back and wonder how on earth I spent hours on my VIC 20 doing basically nothing. Exclamations like "Look! I made the line turn blue!" were not uncommon. Yet, at the same time, the fact that Matthew Broderick's lousy Texas Instruments could take over our military's defense system in WarGames seemed plausible.

Hey, that's me!

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